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Healed from back and shoulder pain

After Jesus already blessed me in July with deliverance, healed me from stress and after water baptism from regular headache/migraine, another miracle happened last Miracle Night.

Of that I want to testify.
During strolling my lower back and my hip ached. I did accept it for what is was. My mother and grandmother suffer from this also. My grandmother was at a young age, 46, when she received a new hip.

At the home group we talked about the discomfort of diverse pain and accepting this so easy. But Jesus died for all my diseases.

So I decided to ask for prayer at a Miracle Night. I was asked if I had ever measured my legs, I’d never thought about that before. It turned out that one leg was longer than the other. That same week I ‘coincidently’ watched a video of Frontrunners in which healing of arms and legs that grew were put in row.

And my leg grew!! I also felt it in my lower leg at that moment.

Two people of the prayer team prayed and spoke to my leg. Because I saw the video and with the knowledge that God indeed performs growth, I really had faith that it would happen.
And my leg grew!! I also felt it in my lower leg at that moment. Halleluja!
But God wasn’t finished yet. One of the two persons of the prayer team received a word of knowledge from God that my shoulder was bothering me too. That was correct. One arm appeared longer than the other one. That was the source of pain. After prayer and speaking to the arm, it grew as well!! Hallelujah! Halleluja!

Jesus is so good! He gives even more than you think, like is written in in Ephesians 3:20 ‘Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us’.

And my daughter said, ‘hey Mom, you are walking straight up now!’

The day after Miricale Night we went for a 8 km walk in the woods. I’ve had no problems with my lower back or hip at all. And thus far I have no problems with my shoulders, back or hip.
I also really notice that I’m walking straight up now. I noticed it in the amount of calluses under my feet, which were always more under one foot than the other. And my daughter said, ‘hey Mom, you are walking straight up now!’
To Him be the glory through Christ Jesus forever. Amen!

I want to encourage everyone with my testimony.

Marianne Blokland

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