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Freed from burnout and on the way to recovery from adjustment disorder and complex PTSD

A year ago, I was diagnosed with derealization, burnout, adjustment disorder and complex PTSD.

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For me this meant my cortex was offline most of the time, I could hardly drive, light and sound I could hardly bare, I also didn’t manage to work on my phone or computer. Talking with more than 2 people didn’t work either, because my brain felt like it was in a ‘pressure press’, like it was on fire, and it felt like a razor went through it when I had to think more deep. In case of ‘fire’I slept a lot. I slept a lot and in case of a “fire” I preferred to sleep a lot.

Soon i felt that from under my belly something came up and it went pitch black before my eyes.

After a serious relapse in December 2022, which disabled me again, my Christian psychotherapist advised me to let people pray for purification of soulties, bloodties and the root of rejection. So I contacted House of Acts.

After a conversation in which I could tell what had happened in my life, Stefan, Adriaan, Wendy and Maggy prayed powerful. It was evening and I had my shades on, because the lights were to bright for me. Soon I felt clearer in my head. Prayers were also said for breaking a spirit of death. At some point Maggy experienced I was probably demonically burdened. She asked permission to pray for this. Soon I felt something came up from under my belly and it went pitch black before my eyes. This spirit was hidden deep. I doubled over and had to cough and spit out a lot of phlegm. It turned out to be a lying spirit that wanted me to believe I wasn’t burdened. Then Stefan asked me to look at him. It felt that I looked mean. He spoke to the spirit, and it turned out to be loneliness. This spirit was expelled after which my jaws spasmed back and forth and my legs began to tremble. I couldn’t stand properly. That was a distraction. Then I started crying and a spirit of control was sent away.

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At a given moment I became at rest and felt completely clear. I was able to look in the light without my shades and that same evening I could participate with fellowship and worship.

The day after I was able to drive again, buy groceries without shades, work on my phone, make long phone calls, doing housework and sleep a normal number of hours. My head was completely free.

Following days the symptoms tried to return, but I sent them away and encouraged my brain. I proclaimed that it could function like God created it.

We are now 1.5 weeks further and I’m doing good! I write this on my phone after a day of functioning normal! I was even able to evangelize again!

All honor to Jesus Christ in Whom I am more than a conqueror and thanks for the ministry of HoA through whom the Holy Spirit works so powerfully.


Amanda Nieuwenhuis

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Freed from burnout and on the way to recovery from adjustment disorder and complex PTSD